Given the broken promises, the lack of budgets and the burgeoning complaints related to Taxi’s specifically in the Table View area – we have managed to facilitate a meeting or two between GTAF and DTA representatives over the last few days.

The DTA (DUNOON TAXI ASSOCIATION) is the duly approved and recognised entity (by the City of Cape Town) who are responsible for managing of Taxis in our area, whilst GTAF (the GREATER TABLE VIEW ACTION FORUM) is a community-based organisation that is recognised by the City of Cape Town and that does have representation at ward committee level.


All need to understand that the concept put forward was not a hard concept to sell. The DTA most graciously, not only accepted our proposals, but they arrived at the initial meeting two steps ahead of the game, highlighting that they are keen to be part of the solution, rather than an obstinate problem. Being aware of the growing discontent and displeasure, the DTA using their own initiative and at their own expense and certainly not as reported on Friday in a facebook post suitably titled ” A Collaboration of community leaders” placed marshalls outside of Bayside Mall and did also initiate a cleanup of the various ranks by removing all pirate and non-affiliated taxis, who do not report to DTA – from the greater Table View area.

One hundred and twenty (120) such pirate taxis have, as a result of such a DTA initiative, have subsequently been removed from our streets and prevented from making use of the Bayside drop off/ collection point. Two very significant steps in the right direction, both presenting immediate measurable results.

The result of the first meetings is significant and is a 1st for Cape Town, a 1st Provincially and a 1st Nationally. A memorandum of understanding that will pave the way forward has been agreed to and will be formally acknowledged by both the Chairman of GTAF and the Secretary General of the DTA on Wednesday afternoon at Driftwood Cafe in Parklands at 15H00.

It is important to understand that this MOU is the start of an initiative that knows no bounds and can, at the drop of a hat be expanded to include initiatives that pertain to safety, crime, and even social injustices. The biggest hurdle facing us all – with this innovative initiative is that of pre-conceived perceptions, justified or other.

The first step in the right direction is the formation of a working committee, the creation of a dedicated email facility and a facebook presence – allowing for hands on inclusive management, by all members of the working committee. Such will be forwarded in due course.

The main function of the working committee is dispute resolution and making sure that the DTA is made aware of all complaints, concerns and the expectations raised by this community. Although this relationship will be challenged as the working committee moves forward, the positivity elicited so far by both GTAF and the DTA, does highlight that nothing is insurmountable.  This working committee has already been formulated, the members nominated and all will formally meet on a weekly basis moving forward, complaints will be discussed and disciplinary feedback fed back to the community. DTA management will attend all GTAF community meets and will field questions at that level.

Given that the new IDP acknowledges the shortcomings of the CoCT past endeavours, it does highlight that Taxis are not going anywhere soon and are in fact being included in the MyCiti initiatives moving forward. Taxis have been part of the African culture and very much a part of the South African culture and have been for an extended period of time. As we move forward, we do hope that the larger community stands by, feeding issues to the working committee – by default guaranteeing and providing the opportunity needed to succeed.